10670-Lawsonia Hotel, Green Lake, Wisconsin-Postmarked 1940
Front of Card
Rear of Card
Card Number 10670
Key Words Lake View, Interior, dining Room, Lawsonia
Description Lawsonia Hotel, Green Lake, Wisconsin
Postcard Type Linen Era (1930-1945)
Manufacturer L.L. Cook Co. Milwaukee
Cancel Date 07/02/1940
Cancel Location Green Lake, WI
Message on card
Dear Do & Ralph, Believe it or not we got there early enough tonight to know that there is something else besides the dining room here. The work is much harder than at Ormand, but probably won’t be after the conventions are over. We are on our last one now, it ends tomorrow nite. Pearl Newcomb was here for the lawyers conn., also the Kings, Ramshels, Farre, Sullvians + Judge Wichome from E.C.. It’s beautifiul here and nice sleeping quarters. Write Me, Kay
Tell Mother Jones Hello.
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