Historic Collection of Green Lake Wisconsin Post Cards
We have been collecting Green Lake Postcards for over 15 years. We have created this web page to share these wonderful views of historic Green Lake Wisconsin. Historical information has been collected from the Robert & Emma Heiple book and Thomas Gnewuch’s Green Lake Memories I & II. With generous assistance from Diane Egbert.
Views of Green Lake
We have hundreds of cards in our collection.
Click on any image to see the complete gallery for that group.
To support this page and our other habits we buy and sell postcards and model railroad items. We buy all kinds of postcards, not just Green Lake cards.
If you are interested in purchasing a copy of one of the cards, make sure you attach the card number in your message.
We also have an eBay store with lots of postcards for sale, just not Green Lake Cards. We keep all of those for ourselves. Postcard Store on eBay