11342-Hwy K, Green Lake, Wis.-Postmarked 1909
11342-Hwy K, Green Lake, Wis.-Postmarked 1909

Front of Card

11342-Hwy K, Green Lake, Wis.-Postmarked 1909

Rear of Card

Card Number

Key Words
Inlet, Road, Telephone Pole, 3 Guys

Inlet Road, Green Lake, Wis.

Postcard Type
RPPC – Real Photo Post Card


Cancel Date

Cancel Location
Chicago, ILL

Message on card
Hello Will
Here we are the three of us side by each, Ha Ha. Frank took these pcitures while we were up annoying the pins which was at Green Lake Wis. Had a fine time up there and and certainly had good luck fishing. Wish you could have been with us. Will write you a letter later, Your sincere friend,
Robb M

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