Card 11144

Front of Card

Rear of Card
Card Number
Key Words
Lake View, Techura Springs, Gazebo, Shore Line
Greetings from Green Lake, Wis., Techura Springs
Postcard Type
Undivided Back “Postcard” Era (Dec. 24, 1901 to March 1, 1907)
Green Lake Pharmacy, Dartford
Cancel Date
Cancel Location
Dartford, WIS
Message on card
Aug 8, 1908
Dear Minnie,
Many, many thanks for the for the lovely remembrance sent me on my birthday. I appreciate your kindness ever so much, Am having a fine time and enjoying the best of health. Our pleasure is only marred by too much rain and exceedingly cool weather thus far. The changes in temperatures have been equally sudden this year in this place as they are down home – something never experienced here before. Inasmuch as I have a number of letters to write – please excuse the brevity of this message, Trusting you are enjoying good health- I am with …. (unknown, unreadable name)
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