Card 11355

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Card Number
Key Words
Cottage, People on Porch, Bible Institute
Green Lake Wis. Sunset Cottage
Postcard Type
RPPC – Real Photo Post Card
Cancel Date
Cancel Location
Ripon, WI
Message on card
Dear Folks,
We arrived here this morning after having three punctures and the exhaust pipe coming loose and the suit cases came off two times until we tied them on. I was driving nearly all the way. We had to pay for our dinner (.60 cents) and will have to pay to-nite and that takes or puts a hole in the pocket book. Every thing cost so. 3 cards for 10 cents and I wanted to send lots. Our meal ticket is from to-morrow and on. Everything is just fine. Shorty is here but is looking for some good looking girl and didn’t see us. Will write you a letter to-morrow. If you get time send some C and H sugar. I don’t know how I can get along with out it. My address is Wis. Bible Institute Assembly. It will reach me. I am staying in a cottage named Sunset. Love Mara
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