It has been a while since I posted an update on the progress of the pages since last time, I have completed the Mitchell’s Glen Page, the Fish & Fishermen page, Boats and the Weather pages. I took a bit of a break after that, and I forgot to post. I am in the process of remodeling the city views page and adding a bit more content to the page. There are so many cards that we want to add to the page it gets a bit overwhelming at times. I just started going through all of the cards that show the courthouse, and I am debating whether to display more than one of a particular card, just so that the messages can be shown. The stories on the back of the cards are better than the images sometimes. For example, we have one card that shows a view of Maplewood Drive and the message on the back talks about Mrs. Lawson’s plans to pave 3 miles of road to the train station. That card was from 1913 (Card 10661). Another card talks about the improvements that have been made to the Maplewood Hotel written to Sherman Kutchin from 1909 (Card 10701). I think I will have to create a special “Stories” section when I get further along on the page.
More pages done & rebuilding city view pages.

11160-Storm Damage, June 24, 1914, Overturned houses, People standing around